Monday 12 March 2018

Conversation Between Birds

Over the last couple of days there's been a welcoming increase in bird song to accompany people getting out and about after the freeze. Longer days and milder weather are upon us. Hurrah!!!! Mind you, during the Siberian wind chill days there were exhibitions to attend to in London. For the second year running Linda's watercolour and gold leaf work has been accepted for the Royal Watercolour Society's Contemporary Art Competition. On the 25th of February, Linda and I headed for London with a Conversation Between Birds which we were to deposit at The Bankside Gallery on the South Bank for the competition. The icy fingers of the Beast from the East were most evident as it whistled bitterly about the Thames. After dropping off the painting, we headed to Tate Modern to the Modigliani exhibition. Ahh, warmth... I was completely taken by Modigliani's work. When you're standing so close to the real thing, you're completely transported to another world. How fortunate we are to have these amazing visual connections to the past. Next, we headed towards Waterloo. Beneath Waterloo train station are the Old Vic Tunnels, now known as Vaults, where Sparks a play directed by Linda's daughter Jessica Edwards was being performed in conjunction with Vault Festival 2018. A very moving performance in a fantastic venue. After a very full day, we got the train back to Shrewsbury. On the 28th Linda headed back to London for the Watercolour Competitions private view, which she attended with Jessica. The icy blast was in full swing, which prevented many of the artists from different parts of the country attending. The paintings are on show for two weeks until the 14th of March and available for the public to buy. On Sunday, I met Linda at Shrewsbury train station. On the train journey she had had some good news, Conversation Between Birds had sold!!!! On the back of that, another painting has been purchased. Onwards....Upwards!!!!

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